Panel Paper:
Do Bonuses Affect Teacher Staffing and Student Achievement in High Poverty Schools? Evidence from an Incentive for National Board Certified Teachers in Washington State.
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Purpose: In this study, we assess an incentive policy in Washington State designed to increase the supply of effective teachers in high poverty schools. The Challenging Schools Bonus (CSB) awarded a $5,000 annual bonus to teachers who earned certification through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) and worked in schools with a high proportion of students qualifying for subsidized lunches. The CSB provides a good test of the potential for targeted incentives based on teaching credentials as it is one of the few credentials consistently linked to student achievement gains in the teacher effectiveness literature. As with other indicators of teacher quality, NBCTs are less likely to teach in high poverty schools. At least five other states offer additional compensation for National Board certified teachers (NBCTs) that is similar to the CSB and two states have included National Board certification status in their teacher equity reports.
Findings: We study the effects of the NBCT bonus policy in Washington using a regression discontinuity design based on the schoolwide eligibility rule. We find that eligibility for the additional compensation increased the number of NBCTs in high poverty schools by improving hiring, encouraging certification among incumbent teachers, and reducing turnover among Board certified teachers. Over the first six years of the program, we estimate that eligibility increased the proportion of NBCTs by about 0.7–1.6 percentage points per year. Despite the evident improvements in teacher staffing, we do not find positive student achievement effects from the bonus policy. Based on estimates of the relative effectiveness of NBCTs at raising student achievement found in the literature, our estimated effects on school staffing imply annual improvements in student learning of less than 0.001 standard deviations per year of eligibility. Consistent with this prediction, our direct estimates of the effects of the bonus policy on student achievement are near zero and not statistically significant.
Significance: The study documents the importance of several theoretical issues related to strategic compensation policies that target teacher credentials. Although we find that the policy increased hiring of NCBTs and reduced their attrition, the largest effects on teacher certification status operate through increases in the number of incumbent teachers earning professional certification. The achievement effects of such targeted bonuses may be less than that suggested by their effects on observable characteristics.
Full Paper:
- NBPTS Challenging Schools Bonus.pdf (1141.9KB)