Panel Paper:
A Review of Methods for Assessing Sensitivity of Quasi-Experimental Effect Estimates to Unobserved Confounders
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
The proposed paper makes two contributions to the sizeable but fragmented research base on sensitivity analysis approaches for QE estimators. First, it conducts a comprehensive review of the various approaches and methods, highlighting their common features, their differences, and identifying specific situations or conditions under which a given approach may be preferable to the others. Second, it demonstrates the implementation the approaches utilizing a large and longitudinal dataset (which includes administrative data for over 700,000 students across 10 school years) used for the QE evaluation of early college high schools in North Carolina. This empirical exercise uses multiple outcome measures with potentially different confounders (e.g., high school graduation, postsecondary degree attainment, criminal convictions, and voting) and complements the theoretical comparison of the various sensitivity and robustness analysis approaches.
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