Panel Paper:
Contracting, Coproducing, Coping? the Great Recession’s Impact on Municipal Service Provision Strategies in California
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Through the combination of rich and nuanced panel data from the public and private sectors on cities in the State of California spanning over fifteen years, we examine city structuring of service provision arrangements, including the utilization of volunteers as well as the share of staff for a given service that are volunteers relative to paid. To correct for selection bias in the dependent variable for service provision type we use a panel probit model with random effects. This approach is identified in Wooldridge (1995; 2010) and is shown to be more robust than maximum likelihood estimations or other approaches that require more stringent assumptions about unobserved characteristics. The results will illustrate how the institutional arrangements of service provision respond to fiscal shocks, providing some evidence regarding the extent to which they may be part of a fiscal sustainability agenda.