Improving Value in Healthcare
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Expert estimates suggest that as much as 30% of US health care spending is wasteful. As a result, improving value in health care – lowering health care costs without hurting health outcomes- has become a national priority. Researchers, employers, and insurers have been examining various strategies that could improve the value of healthcare. Some of these strategies focus on changing consumer decisions and incentives while others focus on providers. This panel brings together three papers that examine low-value health care in the US. The first paper examines whether high deductible health plans, which have become increasingly popular in the last decade reduce use of low-value services. The second paper examines whether an innovative program that rewards patients to choose lower cost providers results in cost savings for consumers. The last paper, takes the provider perspective and examines the likelihood of physician’s de-adopting drugs that are proven to be unsafe or ineffective after they have been released on the market.