Understanding the Roots of the School to Prison Pipeline and What to Do Next
(Crime, Justice, and Drugs)
*Names in bold indicate Presenter
Everyone knows the school to prison pipeline exists. This session intends to understand both what creates the school to prison pipepline, and what steps we could take next to fix it.
The first paper in the session focuses on school suspensions and whether they lead to adult crime. The second paper focus on the juvenile justice system and transfer to the adult court system. Moreover, the paper studies the extent of racial bias present in juvenile case outcomes shown through differential transfer to the adult courts. The third paper studies whether arrests reduce future crime or harden criminals. The final paper studies an experimental intervention in Chicago juvenile detention facility and its effects on reducing future criminality.
As a whole, these papers offer unique insights both in measuring the extent of the school to prison pipeline, the inequities in current juvenile justice, and potential solutions to these problems.