Student Resources: Doing Collaborative Research: Challenges, Opportunities, and Prospects

Thursday, November 7, 2019: 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
I.M Pei Tower: Terrace Level, Biltmore (Sheraton Denver Downtown)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Moderator:  Alex Osei-Kojo, University of Colorado, Denver
Speakers:  Christopher Weible1, Tanya Heikkila1, Sandy Zook1 and Samuel Workman2, (1)University of Colorado, Denver(2)University of Oklahoma

Research is both an individual and a collective undertaking, enabling participants to advance knowledge. To achieve this, scholars need to reach across disciplinary, methodological, and theoretical divides in order to address questions that transcend these barriers. Thus, collaboration harnesses individual talents and strengths in pursuit of big questions that are difficult to answer from a single orientation or by one individual. Yet research collaboration does not happen by chance. It requires intentional efforts usually by like-minded (or sometimes not-like-minded) individuals committed to pushing the current frontiers of knowledge. What are the opportunities of research collaboration? What are the challenges of collaborative research and how can these be overcome? How do you make research collaboration work? This session will seek to answer these and other pertinent questions related to the topic.

Moderator: Alex Osei-Kojo, University of Colorado, Denver

See more of: Student Resources