Special Events: Evidence-Based Education - Will the Past Be the Prologue?

Friday, November 8, 2019: 3:15 PM-4:45 PM
Plaza Building: Concourse Level, Governor's Square 17 (Sheraton Denver Downtown)
Speakers:  Russ Whitehurst, Brookings Institution, Susanna Loeb, Brown University and Rebecca Maynard, University of Pennsylvania

Join us for a special lecture from the 2019 Spencer Foundation Award recipient, Russ Whitehurst, Stony Brook University.  In his lecture, "Evidence-Based Education - Will the Past Be the Prologue", Whitehurst makes the case for there having been a revolution in applied education research in this century.  He identifies principal challenges that will need to be addressed successfully if evidence-based education is to become normative, and thus realize its promise of generating fundamental improvements in the process and outcomes of the education enterprise.


Susanna Loeb, Director, Annenberg Institute at Brown University, Professor of Education, Professor of International and Public Affairs, Brown University

Rebecca Maynard, University Trustee Chair Professor of Education and Social Policy, Emeritus, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania

See more of: Special Events