Panel Paper: Information Technology, Knowledge Management, and Policy Learning:

Monday, July 29, 2019
40.012 - Level 0 (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Hasan Danaeefard, Tarbiat Modares University

Contemporary literature on policy learning has become complex in the age of rapid changes, technological innovations, and globalization. The hallmark of most of these changes are innovative technologies and knowledge explosion is globalization, a process through which worldwide integration and transcendence is taking place" (Farazmand, 1999, p.1) Policy learning is enriched as a result of these changes and information technologies--a new paradigmatic trend is developing in the age of Neo-globalization and global One Belt, One Road/Silk Road with focus on global Trades and Win-Win Outcomes implications. The competing global models force present potential clashes with both dangerous challenges and opportunities worldwide in the twenty-first century, with implications for various policy areas. What lessons do we draw from these developments? What is meant by competing global models and forces, what dangerous clashes are meant at macro global and micro national levels? Who benefits and who loses? This paper addresses the above challenges and developments with implications for knowledge management, policy learning in theory and practice.