Panel: The Growing Problems of the Young and Strategies to Resolve Them
(Social Policy and the Quality of Life and Wellbeing of Populations)

Monday, July 29, 2019: 2:15 PM-3:45 PM
40.S16 - Level -1 (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Chair:  Miguel Ángel Valbuena, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

The Growing Problems of the Young and Strategies to Resolve Them

Selective Mortality and the Long-Term Effects of Early-Life Exposure to Natural Disasters
Xing Xia, Yale University and Margaret Triyana, The University of Notre Dame

Impacts of a Cash Plus Intervention on Gender Attitudes Among Tanzanian Adolescents
Yekaterina Chzhen1, Tia Palermo1, Leah Prencipe1,2 and On Behalf of the Tanzania Adolescent Cash Plus Evaluation Team3,4,5,6, (1)UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, (2)Erasmus MC, (3)UNICEF Tanzania, (4)EDI, (5)Tanzania Social Action Fund, (6)Tanzania Commission for AIDS

Impact of Special Olympics’ Unified Champion Schools on Student Academic Outcomes
Michelle Yin, American Institutes for Research and Garima Siwach, AMERICAN INSTITUTES FOR RESEARCH

Using Pay for Success to Improve Birth Outcomes
Judy A. Temple and Nishank Varshney, University of Minnesota