Panel: Measurement of Income Inequality and Work Effort
(Social Equity)

Thursday, November 2, 2017: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Stetson F (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

*Names in bold indicate Presenter

Panel Organizers:  Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota
Panel Chairs:  Samuel L. Myers, University of Minnesota
Discussants:  Darrick Hamilton, The New School and William Spriggs, AFL-CIO

A Demographic Analysis of Trends in Work Hours, Unemployment and Labor Market Disconnection
Valerie Wilson and Janelle Jones, Economic Policy Institute

Examining the Black-White Earnings Differential with Administrative Records
Michael Giedon1, Misty Heggeness1, Marta Murray Close1 and Samuel L Myers2, (1)U.S. Census Bureau, (2)University of Minnesota

Racial Difference in Time-Use at Work
William A. Darity1, Thomas Durfee2, Darrick Hamilton3, Samuel L. Myers2, Gregory N. Price4, Diana Vega Vega2 and Man Xu2, (1)Duke University, (2)University of Minnesota, (3)The New School, (4)Morehouse College

Does Rural Residence Explain the Han-Minority Income Disparities?
Sai Ding, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Man Xu, University of Minnesota and Duanyi Yang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Social equity measures rely on major public data sets.  There is an emerging debate about whether certain social equity measures -- e.g. black-white earnings disparities -- overstate measures of inequality because of biases in public data sets. This panel includes papers that address questions of potential biases that arise using public data when measuring racial earnings inequality and work effort. The measurement issues addressed include non-response biases, top-coding problems, imputation errors, and issues associated with missing data and sample selection. Solutions offered include use of administrative data and correction techniques that permit testable hypotheses about non-responses.

See more of: Social Equity
See more of: Panel